Thursday, July 12, 2007

Last Day of Intel

Wow, we are just about to complete the last day of our Intel class. I am tired and a little cross-eyed! Check out my wiki page - it has my complete Unit Plan (look under Portfolio Showcase) at

I liked being able to "put" things onto the wiki page for storage so I can access it later - I guess I could do the same thing with this blog. I have learned how to insert "objects" into my brochures and PowerPoints so that you can just click on the square rather than having the entire URL posted. I didn't know how to do that!

I really like the idea of a showcase as a way to post student work for parent and other teachers' access. It does take some time to learn but once learned, seems pretty easy. I think the students could be instructed how to do this.

I took the course evaluation as well.

I look forward to continuing this blog and to using technology more than ever!
In terms of making accommodations and revisions for exceptional learners, I think I do a pretty good job of automatically thinking about how my students would be able to (or not be able to) access certain projects, websites or readings. After so many years working with students in special education, this comes fairly naturally to me. It was fun to write this unit with general ed students in mind, with the accommodations in place that would help the students feel a part of the group and be able to fully participate with learning goals.

I found to be of great help in creating the rubrics/assessments for the unit. I probably put in too many items for grading (rows) but I think more is better than less. I can always go back and remove some items, but I probably would not have time to add more items in. After I talk with more members of my group about the entire plan, I hope that I will have more direction about what I should exclude on the rubrics vs. include. I do like the concept of being able to indicate to certain students that they MUST consider specific points (or not, depending upon their ability levels).

Some accommodations I have considered with project based learning would be to provide resource students with clear templates for the project at hand. More able students would create their own projects from scratch whereas resource students would have more direction. Also, the rubrics would be specific to the student's needs. Reading material can be placed on tape. Websites can be highlighted that offer click and listen for material. I am in the process now of rewriting the stories for my unit at a "lower" level for more accessibility when students have to reread the stories (I will be reading them aloud at the beginning). The use of peers and partners will provide additional guidance or editing assistance.

I have enjoyed placing hyperlinks in both the brochure and PowerPoint presentations. I like the fact that a created story can also be used as a teaching tool by simply allowing students to explore key concepts or vocabulary to reach into the web.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 2 of Intel...
Yesterday I mainly worked on framing the essential and unit questions, after determining what course of study standards I wanted to focus on. It was a really quick day, although we all worked for a full 8 hours. It was hard to break for lunch, just like it was today...there's lots to do and it's very engrossing!

Today, we focused on modules 3 and 4. I got onto my wiki page ( and set up a format for my students to be able to write in, after they've jotted notes down in a unit journal. We also talked about copyright laws and how to cite works. I completed that area in my unit planner, hopefully in the correct way. I had forgotten that you should also cite where you find pictures and graphics, so I will have to slow down and remember to click and copy those citations.

I have included several areas in the unit plan for students to conduct research and to collaborate with peers regarding their writing and thinking. Hopefully, this will help the resource students as well as the gifted students a time to be able to learn and share in a productive way.

We also talked about Internet safety for students. I want to include in my plan some specific sites that are "kid-friendly" for searching. This also reinforced for me that I need to intentionally and directly teach students how to appropriately search on the Internet.

I am creating a brochure and a powerpoint for my unit plan. I really enjoy creating powerpoints, and this will be much easier for me than the brochure. I have the feeling that I will be encouraging students to create powerpoints rather than brochures, although I need to allow students to have the freedom of choice.
Hope for the future!

After the first Intel Teach to the Future training, I felt pretty good about the process and my progress. And then, to go and hear Barack Obama talk about building communities and all of his positive messages was such a great juxtaposition on the day.

Anyway, back to Intel - I really like having the CDs to scroll through along with the book. Being able to see the material presented slightly differently really helps me assimilate the info. I'm a visual learner and I like being able to see things presented more than once. Also, I enjoy being able to work at my own pace while Theresa (the instructor) is talking. I can usually pick up on what she is saying while continuing to do my research and writing.

Since I spend the majority of my teaching time (as a spec ed instructor) working with reading/language, I usually try to tie my subject matter into one of the other disciplines. SO, I am working on my Intel project as a tie in with science and reading with the tech aspect. I think so far it's an okay workable project - I will need to rewrite some of the texts for access to the lower reading students. I hope I can get a general ed teacher to partner with me for the project; otherwise, I will be using it with a small group which is still okay. When I am done with the project I think I will email it to a couple of the teachers and see who "bites."

Looking forward to day 2!! And, I hope we get someone out from the tech department to override the computer problems with our flash drives. What an irritation not to be able to just plug it in and use it!!!!